Friday, July 31, 2009

Arnold Cinema (Like I'm the only one who's seen a Scharzenegger movie before 'Godfather II')

Pumping Iron
Conan 1 & 2
Terminator 1 & 2
Raw Deal (Nobody gives him a raw deal!!!)
Running Man
Red Heat
The greatest casting EVERRRRR (U.S. title: Twins)
Total Recall
What should have won Best Actor 1990 (U.S. title: Kindergarten Cop)
Last Action Hero
True Lies
What should have won Best Supporting Actor 1997 (U.S. title: Batman & Robin)
End of Days
What should win Best Supporting Actor 2009 (U.S. title: Terminator Tarnation)

Comic Book Cinema

Batman Returns
Batman Forever
Batman & His Rubber Nipples
Batman Begins
Batman is now Dark Knight
Superman II
2 other Supermans
Superman decided to Return
Sin City
Fantastic Four
Incredible Hulk
Men in Black 1 & 2
Spider-Man 1 & 2
Spider-Man goes Emo
Somebody thought casting Nicolas Cage was a good idea (U.S. title: Ghost Rider)
Somebody thought casting Ben Affleck was a good idea (U.S. title: Daredevil)
Iron Man
X-men 2
Somebody thought having Brett Ratner direct was a good idea (U.S. title: X-men: Last Stand)
Hellboy 1 & 2
Blade 1 & 2
Punisher (1st try, 2nd try, and 3rd try)
Howard the Duck

Famous Horror

Friday the 13th
Nightmare on Elm St.
Texas Chainsaw Massacre
Evil Dead 1 & 2
Night of the Living Dead
Dawn of the Dead
Sixth Sense
The Shining
The Omen
The Fly (Goldblum)
Silence of the Lambs
About Schmidt

Films of American Auteur Michael Bay

Bad Boys 1 & 2
The Rock
Pearl Harbor
The Island

Two words

The Room

Movies of 2009

Transformers 2
Year One
Star Trek
Wolverine shit show
Terminator Tarnation
Monsters vs Aliens
Drag Me to Hell
Crank 2
My Bloody Valentine 3-D
Friday the 13th (remake)
Paul Blart
Pink Panther 2
Hotel for Dogs
Last House on the Left (remake)
I Love You, Man

Thursday, July 30, 2009

It only took me 31 years

So, it only took me until my 31st year, in the summer month of July, 2009, to finally witness what is considered by many as one of the, if not the, greatest movies of all-time:
The Godfather: Part II.

I then realized how many fantastically unworthy and downright embarrassing movies I watched before GF2. I've decided to compile an ongoing list of this cinematic debacle. I will continually add to this list as more movies come to mind. It may get ugly. Correct that: it will get ugly.

If you are someone who gets easily angry at such buffoonery, please move on. Or simply chuckle and think, "somewhere, in the future, Roger Ebert is turning over in his grave."